Showing 4 Result(s)

The Tale of the Two Wolves; An Internal Struggle

Native American stories are full of wisdom and beautiful metaphors that help us understand in a simple way, our inner reality. Here is the Tale of the Two Wolves, a story that describes perfectly the struggle we face on a daily basis. A Cherokee elder is instructing his grandson about …

The Four Laws Of Spirituality

In India, Four Laws of Spirituality are taught:  The first law says: “The person who comes to your life is the right person.” No one comes to our life by chance, all the people who surround us, who interact with us, who we encounter, are there for a reason.   The …

Love or Fear; Which One Are You Choosing?

What does it mean to say that perfect love casts out fear? First, let’s begin by stating that absolutely everything we experience in this world is a symbol for either perfect love or fear. But if only one is real, it means the other one is imaginary? A Course In …

Fear Is Always a Call for Love

I know for a fact that divine Love is perfect. Being perfect, it loves everyone unconditionally. It sees no differences; there are no “good people” or “bad people”, no more deserving or less deserving …